While Rich was working out the layout of his new abode in schematic design, his son Jake, an architect in his own right, was busy producing three dimensional models of the overall structure. Modeling in this way helps architects look at the structure from varied perspectives and in the context of three dimensional environments.
As imperative as the schematic design phase is to the overall development of architecture, massing is equally important. This phase refers to the study of the overall “mass”, allowing the architect to get a sense of the scale and form of the overall structure.

Most importantly, massing allows the architect to study the overall visual impact of the structure and how it affects the surrounding environment.

Many factors are considered during this phase including site conditions, natural light patterns, budget constraints, programming, desired visual impact and, of course, the design intent. Using various three dimensional studies helps architects make necessary changes and finalize the design.
As the massing of Osprey Point develops, it is evident that trapezoidal transom windows were eliminated while windows on the east side grew in number and width. The main deck was enlarged and curved due to site constraints. Other additions included a rotated and enlarged balcony off of the master suite and a steel & glass awning to accentuate the entry. Visual elements, such as roof slope, materials and coloration, were also developed through this phase.
See if you can spot the all of the changes
Although the Osprey Point house was first modeled in SketchUp, it was moved to Rhino once the design became more sophisticated for fine tuning. Eventually, a Lumion movie was developed in-house at Granoff Architects to illustrate the overall design within its future environment. As the interior design is flushed out and detailed, this model will serve as a basic reference for the overall design intent.
Check out the video rendering of the final design below and see how the exterior design influenced interior layout and lighting.